Our Industry Leading Roof Cover Explained
To find out how we can (quite literally!) keep you covered, simply give us a call on freephone number 0800 246 5585 or complete our online enquiry form and we’ll be in touch.
Once we’ve taken a few details we’ll arrange a FREE roof inspection at a time to suits you and can also answer any questions you might have.
How do you sign up?
Its a simple 3 step process to get started
Step 1: Contact Us
All you have to do to sign is call our advisors on 0800 246 5585 or email who will be happy to help you. they will arrange a free roof inspection for whenever is most convenient for you.
Step 2: Roof Inspection
One of our roofing experts will visit your home and do a full check of your roof. They will then fill out a report and show options available.
Step 3: Sign Up
Once we have the report back from the roofing expert its a simple process of setting up the roof cover and everything is done automatically giving you complete peace of mind.
Some of the benefits
If you decide to take out cover with us you’ll automatically benefit from the following:
- Maintenance inspections twice a year
- A £500.00 annual repair allowance
- Full gutter cleans/clearance twice a year
- Access to our services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Complete peace of mind

Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the benefit of signing up – surely my insurance company would pay if there was a problem with my roof?
Not necessarily. If you can’t prove that your roof has been properly maintained then it’s unlikely your insurers would pay out.
What does a maintenance inspection entail?
To ensure your roof is properly maintained we’ll inspect it twice a year. During these visits we’ll be looking for cracked, slipped or missing slates/tiles , missing lead flashings, damaged valley gutters , ripped or rotten roof felt, leaking or blocked up gutters and downpipes. Of course, each roof is different so we’ll keep a note of any specific concerns so that you don’t have to worry and if there’s any work to be done we can simply use your annual allowance.
What happens if I don’t use my annual allowance?
Firstly, that’s a good thing – as it means your roof doesn’t need any work! If you don’t use your allowance, that’s fine – you’ll simply get a new allowance the following year.
How does my contract work?
Your contract is really straightforward. You simply sign up for 12 months and it automatically renews every year. You can cancel it at any time – otherwise, you’re completely covered and we’ll look after everything for you.
What if I move house?
That’s no problem at all. Simply give us your new address details and we’ll pop along to do an inspection. Assuming there aren’t any specific concerns, we’ll simply transfer your contract over and carry on as before.
What if my roof is in a poor state of repair?
If your roof doesn’t qualify for our maintenance contract upon initial inspection then we’ll discuss the various options available. We can, of course, provide you with a quote to put the roof right and then you can simply join the scheme for ongoing maintenance.
How much does it cost?
Possibly a lot less than you might think! We charge from £12.99 a month!
Is there someone I can talk to about the scheme?
Absolutely. You can either complete our online form or call one of our friendly team on freephone number 0800 246 5585.